Friday, February 25, 2011

Raleigh: Day Four

Our last day is Raleigh wasn't even a full day. We had to pack the night before and three of us had to put our luggage into the fourth person's room because the front desk would only allow one person a late check-out time. Ordinarily it would be noon, but because our class was a half-day and ended at noon, we needed to push it back a little bit. So after breakfast we moved our belongings into one of the other women's room, and headed off to class. Bob was busy doing something else this morning so the hotel arranged for us to take a cab over there, which was nice. Bob was a cute little guy but I was starting to dislike him, due to his complete lack of consideration for our safety in the back of his van.

We had three sections to discuss in class this day, and she spent 8:00-10:30 talking about one of them. I didn't see how she was going to shove the next two sections into the remaining hour and a half with the Vegas people talking as much as they were. Luckily for me, they left early. As soon as she was done with the first section, they peaced out because they had a flight to catch. Lo and behold, we got the next two sections done in the time remaining. We grabbed a bite to eat in their cafeteria before Bob picked us up to head back. Today was, by far, Bob's worst day behind the wheel. There was a minivan in front of us the entire way back, and I'm pretty sure Bob was a foot from her bumper the whole time. At one point he was flashing his high beams into her back window to try to get her to hurry up. I don't think that's legal. She was going 45 in a residential neighborhood, I don't know what else he expected from her. By the time I exited the shuttle for the last time I had decided Bob was clinically insane and he was likely driving this van for the hotel on some sort of work release program.

We grabbed our stuff from the hotel room and packed up the car to head home. I was less than enthused about another long drive, but the ride home always seems to go faster than the ride there. I suppose it has something to do with the anticipation of arriving at your destination, and then you really don't give a damn when you're going back to where you came from. The quesadilla I had for lunch, combined with the fact that it was grey and rainy, made me fall asleep within 20 minutes of settling into the car. I was knocked out for a whole hour, which is pretty sweet. We had gotten on the road around 1:15 and when I awoke and checked the clock it was 2:30. The GPS told us we would be home around 6:30 and I was praying that we wouldn't get stuck in traffic in Richmond. Luckily for us, we drove through Richmond about an hour before rush hour, so we only had to slow down a little bit before continuing on as usual. 

We finally arrived back at the hospital, where Nick was waiting for my boss and I. He helped to unload the car, we took my boss home, and then we arrived back at our apartment. It was actually kind of nice to be home. Granted, I was really comfortable in that hotel room, and the bed in North Carolina was much more comfortable than my real bed, but there's something about being home that is just less stressful than being in a strange place. Even though I was having a very good time in Raleigh, it was nice to know that it was all over and I didn't need to plan my day around classes and 'who-is-driving-where,' and 'when-do-I-need-to-go-down-to-breakfast.' I had arranged to take Friday off of work so knowing I didn't have much to do the next day was nice.

And as I write this, it is Friday, and it's rainy and gross outside. I miss the nicer weather down south because it is weird coming back to snow on the ground. My only plans for today include buying stamps, paying bills, returning something to Staples, and picking up the book I ordered from the bookstore in town. I haven't even unpacked yet. And I gotta say, I am really wishing I had saved a cupcake.

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