Sunday, February 27, 2011

Woe is Me

I am so lazy, it's disgusting. Since getting back from Raleigh I have actually tried to do as little as possible. I always do this and I don't know why - it's as though I feel I need to reward myself for doing a lot with doing nothing for as long as I can. I didn't even unpack until Saturday. And the thought of going back to work tomorrow makes me want to cry. That's how lazy I am: I love my job and I still don't want to go to it. This week isn't quite a normal work week, though. Tomorrow is a regular day, but Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday are all going to spent focusing on the same computer program we were learning in North Carolina. I think the only reason I am not looking forward to being back in the hospital is because I have spent an entire week away from it. I'll feel so behind, even though there were other people to do the work I wasn't doing. Whatever, we'll see how it goes tomorrow.

In other news, I need a damn couch. Nick and I are moving soon and we are going from this stupid efficiency apartment to a real apartment with an actual living room. That means that, not only will the rent be more, but I'm stuck buying new furniture because 1) our current furniture is hideous, and 2) we don't have enough of it. I wanted to put my tax return money into my savings account but I'm coming to terms with the fact that most of it will likely go toward things for the new place, and a couch is definitely the most expensive piece we'd need to buy. I can settle for Ikea for everything else, but the couch is driving me insane because I am too cheap for my own good. I really like this one from Value City Furniture 
...but it's $400.00 and we have already addressed that I'm cheap as hell. I'm so strange: when it comes to buying necessities, like furniture, I am so wary to spend more like $5.00 on it even though I always want bigger and better. Yet I am fine with spending $75.00 on a sweater. 

The point is: I need a couch and I want it to be cute without spending a lot of money. To me, $400.00 is a lot of money. My mom offered me the couch in her living room, which I would definitely take because it's comfortable and cute without looking all dowdy and sat-on, but getting it over here will prove problematic. The thought of having to rent a U-Haul, which tops out at 55 mph, and drive it up and down the highway all day, makes me cringe. It sounds like the most unfun way to spend a weekend ever. Cross your fingers my mom's couch fits into the back of Nick's car, would you? But if I had it my way I'd have the yellow one (lies: if I had it my way I'd win some sort of sweepstakes that would afford me a real house of my own decked from floor to ceiling in Pottery Barn... but life isn't fair).

Also, Nick is sick - who knows what with. It started as a sore throat that has since gone north and south into his head and lungs. He is super congested and his cough is gross and I'm praying I don't catch it. I feel like it is easier for him to be sick because he is only in class 2 days a week and he can spend the rest of his time laying in bed or doing whatever it is that makes him comfortable. I, on the other hand, need to grin and bear it at work despite whatever is making me feel like crap. I was sick with something similar to this several months ago and luckily it didn't last too long. Nick has only felt bad for a few days now so hopefully it goes away soon. Here's hoping the daily vitamins I pop have boosted my immune system! I have kissed him, slept next to him, and shared this horribly cramped space with him everyday that he hasn't felt well so if I don't catch this, it'll be a miracle.

Anyway, this blog has been nothing but one big gripe. I should probably try to do something with myself. The dishes need to be washed and a shower needs to be taken so I am going to go do both of those things. The Oscars are on tonight and I definitely want to watch both the pre-show AND the award ceremony so I need to get these things gone before evening comes around.

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