Thursday, March 17, 2011

She's SO Desperate...

"...How desperate is she?!" I'll tell you how desperate I am. I want furniture so badly that I have entered a sweepstakes at Value City. I could win a $10,000 gift card. I want that gift card. I mean, shit, at first I just wanted a couch that costs several hundred dollars... now I have my heart set on winning this contest. I am hoping and praying and convincing myself, "Surely no one else entered this stupid sweepstakes!" No doubt, thousands of other people probably thought that exact same thing as they were submitting their entries. I never win anything so I am just getting my hopes up... the chances are likely 1 in 293714. They draw the winner's name "on or around" April 15th so I sure hope we don't move before then because we'll have one empty living room. Who am I kidding, I act like I'll win this contest. We will likely have an empty living room for a very long time before I muster up courage to spend my hard-earned money on something other than a Master's degree.

Speaking of which, I have been trying to contact several people associated with this stupid degree I am going for in the fall, in the hopes of finding out how much it'll cost me. No one is answering me!!! I am so mad! I have an entire savings account dedicated to this stupid Master's program and no one will tell me how much I should expect to spend. I anticipate it being in the ballpark of 7 grand/year... if it's more than that I'll be pretty blown. I want to attempt to do it without having to take a student loan, considering I still have my loan from senior year to pay off, so we'll see how it goes. What kind of professional person gets an email from a future student and completely ignores it?! I left a voicemail on someone's phone this afternoon so if she doesn't answer the voicemail she's just an ass.

Anyway - I have been asked to be the head of the Activities Committee at work. It sounds lame when I say it like that... sorta like Phyllis and Angela from The Office. But it's actually a bigger deal than I thought it would be. And of course my first job is to plan the annual Employee Recognition Banquet, which is a big deal to the boss lady in charge of the hospital. I can't believe I'm responsible for this but I'm pretty much determined to make it badass, so badass it will be. The theme is "Hollywood" and I went to check out the ballroom at the hotel today during lunch today... I think it has major potential to be really nice. Cross your fingers I don't fall on my face, please!

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