Friday, April 1, 2011

It's Moving Day, It's Moving Day!

Well, not yet. Tomorrow is. And, in case I've never mentioned it before, our landlord is psychotic. I'm actually pretty positive she's bipolar. One minute it's "Hey girlfrienddd!" and the next it's "I DON'T HAVE TIME TO DEAL WITH YOUR F*CKING PARKING PERMIT!" 

With that said, today I talked to her about moving tomorrow. Because she is rational, she actually thinks three groups of people are going to play musical apartments in one day. She thinks the first guy is going to move out by noon, girl upstairs is moving into first guy's apartment just a few hours later, and Nick and I are going to be upstairs shortly after that. In addition, our friends Andy and Heather will be moving in to our apartment by the evening. What planet does she live on that time stands still and we would actually have enough minutes in a day to do all this? I know our apartment is small but we actually have a lot of stuff - we have definitely jammed every nook and cranny of this apartment full of stuff. That's part of the reason why I'm so happy we are getting more space; I am so sick of having everything stacked on top of everything else. Because we have so much stuff (and not that many boxes to put stuff in), it may take us a while to move everything upstairs. It's going to be a lot of trips up and down before all the little stuff is completely out and we can start moving the big pieces of furniture (and the cats are the last things we pack). 

I got the vibe from the landlord that she wants me to start moving things upstairs while the upstairs girl moves downstairs. I'm not ok with that. It's a narrow staircase, people, I don't want to be traipsing up and down with my boxes of random crap while they are trying to clean her stuff out. On top of all that, the landlord and her little handyman are going to be present during all of this. As in: in the building, watching everyone move and going in after them to see how much money she can get out of accusing us of dinging the walls. I don't want her scrubbing my shower as I move out. Quite honestly, I don't see why she needs to be here at all, considering we're all adults who are perfectly capable of handling this on our own.

We all got together tonight to discuss our game plan. Guy across the hall from us is supposed to be out by noon (we'll see if he actually follows through on that). Then girl upstairs can start moving downstairs. She has a lot of stuff so I don't think she'll be done before nightfall. I pretty much refuse to move half our stuff upstairs while we remain downstairs, so I basically don't even want to start moving until Sunday morning so we can hopefully get it done by Sunday night. So girl upstairs can have all of Saturday, and we get all of Sunday. Our friends who are moving in after us can do so at any point during the week, and they said they really don't have any furniture anyway. Sounds like a perfectly sensible plan to me, but I'm sure Landlord will have her own agenda. If she knocks on my door and starts cleaning before I even start moving, I may very well kick her ass out until I'm good and ready to do this. Nick doesn't even get home until 3pm because he is doing something for school from 8am-2pm, so I definitely won't be getting much done without him. 

Add to all of this the fact that we have to leave for his uncle's funeral around 1:45 Sunday to be there by 3, and we won't be back until 6 - it's going to be a CRAZY weekend and I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate every minute of it. I'm crossing my fingers Landlord keeps quiet and understands that she really can't hurry this process, because running at the mouth all weekend isn't going to make us move any faster. I wish she wasn't such a lunatic. 

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