Monday, April 4, 2011

I Am Still Recovering From Moving Day

Mother of God. Horrible weekend. Saturday was even worse than I anticipated, if that's even possible. It started bright and early and around 10am I was helping the guy across the hall load his uHaul. Mind you, I have had zero contact with this person until the day I was heaving all his crap into a van and encouraging him to get out faster. So that was sufficiently awkward, and it was made even more awkward by the fact that our landlord and her husband were in every single room immediately after all the furniture was out, bleaching and scrubbing and painting. While it may sound as though all her cleaning was a kind act on her part, don't be fooled - she was only doing this so she could keep an eye on all our progress and would yell at us if we stopped moving shit to take a drink of water. 

So the first guy wasn't out until 12:45 or so (which made Landlord extremely frustrated, saying things like, "He should have been out days ago!" Well then I guess you shouldn't have told him to be out by noon today, ya damn moron). Girl upstairs, whose apartment we have since moved into, couldn't start moving down  until the first guy's apartment was empty. So technically she didn't start moving until 1ish, and I was assisting with that, too. She's a nice girl but she just has so much stuff - and all little stuff, like tiny rocks and herby things and bird feathers (because she's into all that) so it took a lifetime to move her down. Please keep in mind that I had been walking up and down stairs carrying very heavy loads of absolutely everything for almost 3 hours by the time she even started her move, and I continued helping her until around 4pm when Nick came back from his Graphic Design event. Then we started on our apartment.

Our apartment was a breeze compared to other ones, likely due to all the junk the other two apartments were filled with. Everything was up by 7pm but Nick and I were busy unloading things from boxes and trying to calm the cats down til around 10, when we finally took showers and washed our bad attitudes away. We didn't get to sleep until midnight and the apartment was still in complete disarray - boxes of crap as far as the eye could see, our clothing in trash bags, computer cords everywhere - it was disgusting and I seriously couldn't even handle looking at it. 

Sunday rolled around and not much progress was made on the apartment because we had a funeral to get to by 3pm. After the funeral we were at Nick's dad's place until finally getting back here at 10pm. At this point I had already asked for Monday off because this was just way too much chaos for one weekend and the thought of going back to work at 8am Monday was the last thing I wanted to do. 

So, today is Monday and we both have sore legs from lifting and carrying and going up and down endless flights of stairs, but we got a lot done today. First it was off to Value City furniture to get a loveseat I had been eyeing (not the yellow couch I had previously blogged about). This one is a light blue/aqua microfiber and I think it'll be absolutely perfect in our living room. Then it was two hours down the road to Ikea, where I dropped $1600 on the following:

  • Book shelf
  • TV stand
  • Coffee table
  • 2 nightstands
  • 2 desks
  • Dresser
  • Mirror
...and the loveseat made my grand total $2,000. That's a lot of money in one day but considering all we got, I don't think I'll have to dip into my savings account anymore. The rest is all decorative stuff, plus a bathroom set and new bedding, but that can just come out of my regular budget without the stash being touched any further. It's going to be gorgeous - the living room is all white furniture while the bedroom is a dark black/brown and the wheels in my head are already turning and thinking about color schemes. Right now the only real color I need to work around is the blue loveseat, considering everything else is a neutral. Should be interesting! I'll post pictures when things are half presentable.

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