Saturday, April 9, 2011

Our First Week

We have officially been living in our new apartment for a whole week, and I am proud to say all the big stuff is done. Nick has put together all the furniture and we have picked up our love seat, making the apartment a tolerable living space. There are still a couple of boxes lying around but most of that is kitchen stuff, because our poor kitchen has been neglected as we scrambled to get the bedroom and living room somewhat decent. So we need some more kitchen storage, that much is apparent. 

I felt bad for Nick, having to assemble all the furniture. But then I talked myself out of feeling bad, considering it was my money that bought all of it... so the least he could do was put it together, right? I attempted to help him but when I screwed a piece of wood on the nightstand backwards, he banned me from helping for the rest of the night. He would feel sorry for me sometimes and ask me if I wanted to help him, and then he'd give me something easy to do. Essentially, I was about as helpful as a newborn baby in the whole process. But at least I offered to assist him. It's not my fault if I'm really bad at assisting. So now the only thing that looms over our heads is decorating. We need a bathroom set, some vases and picture frames and pillows for the living room, new bedding, lamps, new computer chairs, and more kitchen storage. That's still a lot of stuff :-\ But at least we have places to sit to watch TV, and our computers are hooked up and at their respective desks.

In the meantime, Nick has been preparing for his Senior Show. He has been stressing about it but his stuff was great and the show (which was last night) was really fun. There was tons and tons and tons of people there, which surprised me (not that I thought it was going to be a dud or anything, I just wanted expecting the place to exceed it's maximum capacity). He had asked me to make cupcakes for the show, since most people were responsible for bringing a food of some sort to feed to masses, and I had agreed. Mind you he asked me this months ago, when I had no idea this would all fall during Moving Week. So I had to make 50 cupcakes (two different flavors, mind you) while the apartment is still in disarray, and it was a challenge, but I got it done and they were delicious. The first was Brown Sugar Pound Cake with my ever-famous buttercream (I felt I could use the buttercream since it tastes more like whipped cream... not too heavy alongside the pound cake), and my Chocolate Devil's Food with chocolate buttercream. The chocolate/chocolate combination was a bit more popular than the brown sugar but they all got eaten within the first hour of the show. So I'd say they were a success. I think it's more because they stood out among the chips with dip, meatballs, and cheese/pepperoni platters (although those meatballs were good, and we were given the leftovers).

But the week hasn't gone by without issues: our toilet needed to be completely replaced because the old one could barely flush and then it would run for like 10 minutes, and our bathroom sink needed to be snaked because it was clogged to the point where you literally couldn't use it. Because Landlord doesn't like to fix things correctly the first time because she's a cheap biotch, she attempted to have her handyman fix both the toilet and the sink before deciding they were both completely effed and went about doing it the right way. I'm so glad she called in actual plumbers to fix the sink because if I saw that handyman walk in with a pipe snake I'd know there would be no end in sight. So luckily all of that is now taken care of (despite Roto Rooter having to cancel their appointment with us on Wendesday because of a flood at a McDonald's...?) 

Anyway, I think we'll go shopping today and I'll spend even more of my money on decorating this place. Wish me luck.   

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