Monday, April 25, 2011

Some Easter Things

You'll be happy to know I have calmed down since my last post. Although the email network was down all day at work today, I checked my order status on the Stumps website and the unshipped piece of my order from Friday at least has a tracking number next to it now. I can only assume it's en route. God in Heaven, let it be en route.

I spent the weekend relaxing at my parents' house. I love being there. As terrible as the traffic is, as many Korean shopping centers there are, and as neurotic and strange my family can occasionally be, I grew up in that town and I really miss it sometimes. I left later than I wanted to on Saturday (partly because I was busy blogging about Stumps) but I had waited to take a shower until the morning of, and I hadn't packed anything until the morning of... I basically did everything the morning of. It takes about an hour and a half to get down there, provided the traffic is manageable, and this time I was worried everyone would be driving to their Easter locations and I'd be stuck in a jam as soon as I hit my neck of the woods. Luckily, everyone was apparently in a hurry to get to their Easter locations so it was breeze flying down the highway and I made decent time.

I did the standard: dyed Easter eggs, flopped on the couch and watched tv, hung out w/ the best friend I only get to see every 6 months, etc. etc. Easter was dedicated to Grandma's birthday, also, so we had a big lunch/dinner (linner?) and some cake to celebrate her turning 87. She hates every moment of getting older and she'll tell you that at every opportunity: when I said goodnight to her on Saturday I said, "See you tomorrow," and she replied with, "I hope!" I asked her what she meant by that and her response was, "I could die in my sleep." See what I mean?

Regardless, I had a nice time back at the house and I wished I had today off so I could have stayed an extra night. But the resurrection of our Lord wasn't enough to warrant a day off work so here I am, back at the apartment. By the way, I totally failed at my Lenten resolution. I had vowed to exercise three times a week and it didn't go over so well. I just hate movement, that's the conclusion I've come to. I'm such a sedentary animal. Everyone makes fun of Ty for being such a fat lazy piece but the two of us really aren't very different. We enjoy the same things: eating and sleeping and moving as little as possible. I am forced to move because I have a job where walking is a requirement but can I really hold it against Ty? It's not his fault he's unemployed.

This is us, engaging in one of our mutual interests. 

That is my baby blanket covering me, in case you were wondering. I sleep with it every night of my life. Anyway: I should really get back into the routine of working out because I genuinely care about my health and wellbeing. I'm not overweight (unless you ask my BMI) and I eat generally healthy things - I am just such a sucker for not sweating. Is it really so awful I prefer to sit in air conditioning instead of sweating my ass off out in the elements, moving until my muscles feel like they're going to rip in half? It's just not a nice way to feel. I prefer to not feel that way. All this Easter candy isn't helping my cause, either. I am sitting here eating these horrid little things called Mini Robin Eggs. They're basically Whoppers that they speckled to look like eggs. I don't even like Whoppers - I am sitting here blogging about how sedentary I am while shoving candy I don't even like into my gaping maw. Is this what rock bottom feels like?

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