Sunday, August 21, 2011

What I Did This Weekend

First things first: I did bake my Brown(ie) Nosers, and though I haven't eaten one (because the last thing I need in my life right now is a delicous, brown-sugary, caramelly, and chocolatey confection) they smelled amazing and those who have eaten one already were fast fans. I gotta say, the ingredients for these things wracked up one hell of a grocery bill - it required "premium" chocolate (ie: Ghirardelli instead of Hershey's), a glass 10x15 roasting pan that I did not already own (and I figured I may as well get one), and a bunch of other stuff that I probably should have already had in my cupboard but did not. They were time consuming and more complex than I would prefer for a brownie-esque dessert but they turned out as they were supposed to. So I'll trust that they taste as delicious as they look and smell.

Second: I wiki'd Wendy Williams to see if she is really a man. Turns out she's not. Huh.

Third(ly), I watched Source Code, which is a pretty decent flick if you're into those twisty, mind-bending type movies. The ending sparked an argument between Nick and I, which is how I gauge how good a movie was. We bickered pretty hard core on this one, so I give the movie two thumbs up. Whenever a movie's ending is confusing enough to illicit a 15 minute post-movie kerfuffle between he and I, it was a decent watch.

I am proud of myself for having finished two books within the last 30 days - first it was Tina Fey's "Bossypants," (laughed out loud the entire time... even if you hate books by nature you'll like this one), and the one I put down yesterday was Augusten Burrough's "Running with Scissors." I feel like I'm the last person in the world to read "Scissors," so I'm kind of ashamed to say that I just finished it this weekend. Regardless, that's a lot more reading than most of you have done in the last month so I won't get the shame eat at me too much.

Fifth(ly), I bought some last-minute school supplies =( Cue the sad music. I can't stop whining about having to go back to school, it's killing me! It's only 2 classes but the fact my Tuesdays and Wednesdays are RUINED for the next two years is a little depressing. On my class days I am at work from 8-4:30, eat some dinner quickly, then heading up the road to get to class by 6, where I stay until 8:50. Then a 30 minute ride home puts me through the door at 9:30, which is a 13.5 hour day. Two days in a row. I go to sleep at 10:30, when am I going to shower?! Next year I'll have an internship on top of working full time and taking the two classes. That'll really put me on suicide watch! Good times. Good times. 

Anyway, it's getting late and I want to go ahead and pack myself lunch for work tomorrow and go through that whole routine. I wanted to start another book, considering I have several sitting in my living room that I haven't opened yet, but I'm wondering if it's even worth it considering I'm starting school in a few days. If I'm super busy I'll read the first chapter tonight and not look at it again for another 730 days or so. Goddddddd this is so depressingggggg! *stomps feet and holds breath*

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