Thursday, September 15, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go the Hell Away!

I want to start by declaring that the weather we've been having lately is complete bullshit. I am so sick of driving in torrential down pours. It has rained hard every day for the past two weeks and I'm so over it. 

Last week I had to sit in my car, in the dark, in the rain, while construction workers repaved the road on my way home from class. I stayed in one spot for 20 minutes waiting for that jerk to flip his little sign from "STOP" to "SLOW." Then, I learned to detour through a residential neighborhood to avoid the road repaving (though I hate that because it makes me nervous I'll hit a cat or something as karma for illegally using a neighborhood as a through-street), only to be stopped when I was 10 minutes away from home because of a fallen tree. I had to turn around and join the caravan of people maneuvering their way through neighborhoods that my Blackberry's map app didn't even recognize. My class gets out at 8:50 and I didn't get home until 10 that night! (Side note: I get filled with rage when I am lost and Google Maps keeps telling me to turn around and get on the main road I can not get on. It's too stupid to have a re-route button for instances when the main road isn't a friggin option). 

Cut to this past Tuesday when the air conditioner was broken in our building and our classroom was so damn hot I was dripping sweat 20 minutes into the class. The professor let us out early was because he said he felt too guilty watching the pregnant chick in the front row swelter to death. Had there not been a pregnant woman in the room who knows what would have happened to all of us. He decided to call it a night at 7:10 and I was stoked out of my mind that I was going to get home at a decent hour and actually take a shower before going to bed (I used to think taking showers was just a part of civilized existence but I've come to learn that, when you don't get home until 9:30 and your goal is to be asleep by 10:15 and then up at 6:15, that shit's not happening). Back to the point: as soon as he throws it out there that he is going to let us leave, the Evangelical Christian girl in our class (the one that cried, remember her?) speaks up and says, "I'll give you til 7:30." What are you doing!?! What kind of douche-canoe OFFERS TO STAY IN CLASS AN EXTRA TWENTY MINUTES FOR NO REASON?! The teacher put it to a vote:

Teacher: Who is willing to stay til 7:30 and then head home?
Whole class except for me: *raises hands*
Teacher: Who wants to leave right this second?
Me: *raises hand*

He then gave me a half-assed apology for being outnumbered and there I sat until 7:30. Mind = blown. I can't even wrap my head around why she would volunteer to stay longer when he was perfectly happy with letting us go home. Maybe it's for the Bible tells her so. At least we didn't have the rest of the class outside. That was another proposal. I would have outright refused. I don't sit on grass. Anyway, cut to the very next night and the AC is still broken. I walk into the classroom damned and determined to drop the fact that our other professor let us leave early because of these despicable learning conditions. My Wednesday professor entertained the thought for a little while but decided to just open the doors in the back of the room, instead. Same thing as letting us leave, right?

Mind you, Wednesday I drove to class in a storm so violent I was 6 inches away from the windshield the entire ride, cursing my wipers for not having a speed faster than their current maximum. I swore I was going to pull over every 30 seconds to let the storm pass but then I was too worried traffic would be worse by the time I got closer to town and I'd be late for class. The highway is white so it was literally impossible to see the lines on the road... driving in weather like that stresses me out so much. I try not to slow down too much, though - I don't want to be one of those tools who rides their breaks while everyone else is trying to get down the road. I figure if I just keep going I'll get through it quicker. I always get wrapped so tightly that I look like some old woman behind the wheel, one of those "get off my lawn!" old women. I'm always sure to flick off the people that pass me without any lights on, and then I remember they can't see me because it's raining so hard that, from the inside of my car, it looks like I'm sitting in a car wash (seriously, though, who forgets to turn their lights on in all that rain)?

Whatever: so the back doors to the classroom are wide open in an attempt to cool the room down. It cooled down, alright. It was storming SO HARD outside and it was so windy that the rain was literally flying into the classroom and hitting me in the back of the head. I am in the second row. These doors are in the back of the room. I was getting stormed on and I was in a building. I kept glancing backward and glaring at the trees outside that were blowing sideways, as though they were going to catch on to the fact I was annoyed and apologize to me for being blown around in the storm. It wasn't their fault they were being blown around, nor was it their fault my stupid teacher wanted to keep the doors open. My friend who sits next to me (also getting stormed on) finally decided to get up and shut the door. She waded her way back to her seat in the inch-or-so of water that had accumulated on the floor. My professor is really too much of a hippie for it to dawn on him that opening the doors was a stupid fucking idea, and my friend actually got some nasty glances from our classmates as she shut the door. Seriously, what is wrong with these people? Sometimes I just want to go over to some of them and smack them in the face with my binder. Just one by one: smack, smack, smack. That'll show 'em!

We weren't dismissed early that night, so it was another evening consisting of driving home on a two-lane road in the pouring rain without a shred of daylight left. Did I mention I had forgotten my umbrella in the car earlier that day when I was at work? So before all this ever happened I had to clock out of work and run to my car in the rain just to go to class, where I was rained on some more. I did bring my umbrella into class with me, though. I should have opened it when I was getting hit in the back of the head with rain drops. It would have served as a symbolic binder-smack in the face to everyone who took offense to it :-) 

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