Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Weekend Without School Work!

I feel so incomplete not having volumes to read this weekend, it's like some sort of miracle. I was explicitly told by the teacher that I don't need to hole myself up in the bedroom for 48 hours to read the ridiculous amount of pages he usually assigns, but it still feels like I'm slacking off or missing something. I'm sure I'll get over it.

Yesterday at work was complete insanity. I clocked in at 8am, received my first mission at 8:05, and didn't stop working and running around the hospital like a chicken with my head cut off until 4:25. I then clocked out at 4:30 and said a little prayer to God, thanking him that it was over (but I did get it all done, which means I'm the best worker ever and/or some sort of hero). Anyway, to recuperate, Nick and I went to my favorite shopping center ever: the one that features a Target, a Bed Bath and Beyond, a Michaels, and a TJ Maxx (among many other things, but these were of the most interest to me). Buying things sometimes makes me feel better when I'm all wound up, and last night's retail therapy was exactly what I needed to calm down.

We ordered a new bedset over Labor Day weekend and it just arrived a couple days ago. We couldn't put it on the bed as soon as it came in because we needed new sheets and Euro pillows and all that jazz, and I just didn't have the energy to wrestle with it after work during the week. But with the new bed comes the knowledge that the cats will want to ruin it like they did the last one, so not only did I need to buy new sheets but I wanted some sort of blanket to lay across the bottom of it for them to lay on (as cute as it is when they kneed and get comfortable, my comforter usually suffers the consequences). I don't think you should own animals if you don't like them enough to let them on the furniture, so I was willing to make the extra purchase.

The bed looks fabulous, by the way. There are so many decorative pillows I don't even know what to do with myself. I like it like that, though - makes it look more like a real bed when you have expensive-looking, no-purpose-serving accent pillows. The good news is that it did come with the ottoman you see in the picture, and we are able to shove the little pillows in there at night (in addition to the 3 the set came with, we also had two from our old set that match this one perfectly, one is beige and one is white). I've tried about 2000 times to take a decent picture of the bed with my Blackberry but it never comes out right, so just trust that it looks nice. The only thing that's killing me are the wrinkles that are in the comforter from having been shoved in that box during shipping. I refuse to buy a hand steamer for this so I'm sure hoping they release over time. Do they?

I also have been wanting to make these coasters and haven't had the chance to even buy the supplies before this weekend, so I was able to get that out of the way. Now I just have to make them. Nick convinced me to buy scrapbook paper that I'm not sure I love but we'll see how they turn out. The paper is like  50 cents per sheet so it's not a big deal if I need to go get more, but I'd rather not have to trek back over the Michael's. So cross your fingers they turn out ok. I usually have decent luck with DIY projects just because I'm crafty by nature, I just never have the time to fine-tune my craftiness - so if these suck I'm blaming the fact that I'm out of practice.

AND! I discovered a little site called Birchbox that I can't believe I hadn't heard of before this weekend. I discovered it on another blog I read (It's the Small Things, you're welcome for the free advertising) and I trust her judgment because she is cute and stylish and seems to appreciate other cute and stylish things. So it didn't take long for me to sign up, and now I just have to wait and anxiously anticipate my first box. I read some other online reviews before joining, just to make sure it would be worth the $10/month, and it sounds like it's worth a try. Especially considering you can cancel at any time with no charge. Trust me I'll be posting pictures of my first box as soon as it arrives (which should be around my birthday)! Good timing.

Besides all that, I have lounged in my pajamas, painted my toes, watched a movie with Nick, cuddled with Daisy, listened to Ty whine all afternoon because he's such a glutton that he ate his entire day's worth of food before 11am, and avoided doing housework =) A low-key weekend indulging in tiny little activities I never have time to do otherwise is totally what I needed.

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